Missing Link

Self-abandonment   =  Self-realisation


Many years ago I became aware, that problems of the human existence could be solved if we look at them from the point of view of God. God has no problems. If we would see things through the eyes of God, we also would have no problems. God has a different view of the things that surround us and also of ourselves.

In December 1986 I was personally invited by Him to abandon myself to have henceforth a life in his presence with his understanding of things and in his freedom. I did it and lived a life with many human and spiritual heights, but also many depths. At that time I was not aware that my self-sacrifice was synonymous with my self-realisation. On 12/30/2006 I made an incredibly liberating discovery which I want to share with you now.

So that you understand what I mean, I'll have to go a little far afield.

First, I think it is important to see what position we owe as human beings.

We are all absolutely free. Anyone can, according to his will, take his life in his hands, plan it or consciously do not plan. We can let our feelings guide us or allow our mind to do so. It is up to us.

My observation however is, at a closer look, that we are influenced in the formation of our will. We are, whether we realise it or not, influenced by many factors, such as our parents. We have adopted consciously or unconsciously much from them. We declined consciously or unconsciously much from them. Our attitude is not anymore 100% our own, but also the result of a reaction. It is just the same with all the other external influences in our lives. We are shaped by our former classmates, our neighbours, friends and the social environment in which we live and lived, the moral values, religious values, social behaviours, the values in a society. All these things have determined the development of our personality to a large extent.

Another limitation of our freedom is done by our will. When I want to have something absolutely, or keep something absolutely, I will become unfree. It may well be so that only the one is free who has nothing to lose – and one has only nothing to lose if one owns nothing!

We are worried, maybe we have financial problems, the children strike out on their own and we are convinced that they will harm themselves. Mostly people don´t succeed with the try not to worry.  On the human level there is no real alternative - and again, I am unfree.

Furthermore coincidences and natural, unalterable occurrences determine our lives. They also limit us in our freedom.

In summary, we can say that a human being can choose freely, but in its decisions it is always influenced by internal and external influences. On the one hand the leopard can´t change his spots and on the other he is inferior to external influences.

Only with more or less major efforts it is possible for a limited time to grow beyond ourselves, but we can never be entirely above ourselves and be free for 100%.

  All these thoughts raise in me the issue of the existence of man. What is man, why is he as he is?

Every man is the image of God, man was created by him and in eternity, as body, soul and spirit.

Our God Jesus Christ had an earthly body, has an eternal body, soul and spirit.

You too, dear reader have an earthly body, an eternal body, a soul and spirit, but maybe no connection to your spirit yet.


Phase 1:

Our God Jesus Christ wanted a counterpart, therefore he created the human being in the eternal world, in his image with spirit, soul and eternal body. The human being lived with God and got to know him.

Phase 2:

God wants fellowship with us, based on voluntariness.  Because we didn't get asked whether we wanted to be or not, he provided a way which gives us the opportunity to make a decision for God or not.

We received a material body. When we are born in this earth, we have our earthly body, our soul and eternal body. In this state, we are no longer linked to our spirit and to God. This is represented by the red line.

Only the one who lives outside the relationship with God, can opt for it. So now we have the opportunity to enter again into the fellowship with God, voluntarily by our own decision.

All people in the world know that there is a creator, they are looking at different places and ways for to what they have lost, after what they need - after their spirit, often unconsciously, because without their spirit they are not accomplished.

Phase 3: The human being opts for God, through the surrender of our lives to our God Jesus Christ it became possible get back into the fellowship with the spirit again. That was the aim of God from the beginning, that we turn back to him and live with him voluntarily. The red line disappears. We live in an earthly body and through the soul it has access to our eternal body and now also to God and our spirit.

Phase 4: The earthly body dies and we live in the eternal world as in the first phase with our eternal body, our soul and our spirit - but this time consciously and by our own free will.

So now I have some requirements established to further execute why self-abandonment is equal to self-realisation.

God wants us to fully surrender ourselves to him. When we go to him to get into eternal fellowship, we need to leave everything behind us. This is a decision that we can make in complete freedom. There is nothing that restricts this freedom because it is beyond the earthly realm and stands above it.

We surrender our life, God is the main thing from now on, we give him our thoughts, our worries, our possessions, our dreams and desires. From now on we let him make the decisions of our life.

We free ourselves from inward and outside influences, we cut off ourselves from the things that limited our life. These things, among others are those I described more detailed in the first part.

We have the connection to our spirit again and found what we have sought consciously and unconsciously.

And now the crunchpoint of it all:

Human beings are easily tempted to interpret the abandonment negatively. They don´t see the following: abandonment means to grow beyond themselves, to see the bigger picture, to shake off what so far has prevented real life, to be free from the part of ourselves and the things around us, which are inferior to unfreedom, to be in unity with the own spirit.

 To be one with his own spirit means to be one with God. But for me, especially since recently it means to me to be in unity with myself, with my Spirit. What I do from now on is my will, which is also God's will, for his spirit and my spirit are one! In this state, I am convinced that what he wants is also my will and conversely what I want is also Gods will.

This is also the state that awaits us all, when we are one with him in eternity. It is a fellowship of conscious oneness.

Now I can do what I want in absolute freedom from my old self and this doing has divine quality. I released my life full of dependencies and found myself. Now I am one with myself. That's wonderful!

Here I would like to add that a life without God or his spirit from the terrestrial point of view can also be very satisfying.

Nevertheless, the one who has no connection to his spirit will always be searching, consciously or unconsciously, because something is absent, something is missing.

Both lives on this earth, without spirit or with his spirit have their challenges, the first is subject to restrictions, the second offers complete freedom and is above earthly facts.

Dear readers, now you have a tiny glimpse into one of the truths of the Bible. It is often difficult to find the right words when explaining. Words are for readers mostly not neutral terms, but coupled with pre-stained, with pre-set paths of thoughts. Beside this it is difficult to press truths that originates in a different dimension, in terms of our limited three-dimensional world.

My hope is that I could speak to your hearts. We answer questions at any time.