JESUS - the way back to God


  Our God Jesus Christ wanted a counterpart, therefore he created the human beings together with him in the eternal world (also called Paradise) in his image, that is with spirit, soul, eternal and perishable body. Man lived with God and came to know him.

 Every human being is the likeness of God and is created by God like him. That is with an eternal and a perishable body, with soul and spirit.

 Also you, dear reader, have an earthly body, an eternal body, a soul and spirit, to which (spirit) you have maybe no connection yet.


  Man lived in communion with God, created in his image and so it happened what had to happen: man put himself on the same level with God, it even came into his thoughts to exalt himself above God. Thus, man lost fellowship with his Creator. He became expelled from Paradise, that is from the communion with God.


 We received an earthly body. With our birth on this earth, we own our earthly body, our soul and our eternal body. In this state we have no connection to our spirit and thus to God.

 All people are born, so that they have the opportunity to choose God. So now we have the possibility, by our free will and decision, to return to the community with our spirit and with God.

 All people in the world know that there is a Creator, and also that they have lost something. They look at different places and in different ways for what they have lost, for what they miss – that is for their spirit, often even unconsciously. Without spirit the human being is incomplete.


  Man repents and decides for God. Through the commitment of our live to our God Jesus Christ, it became possible to get back into the fellowship with our spirit, although we are still on this earth. This was Gods aim from the beginning - that we return to him and live with him freely by our own choice. Now we live in the earthly body and through the soul we have the connection to our eternal body and also to our spirit and to God.



  When our physical body dies we live in our eternal body, with soul and spirit, and thereby with God. But this time it is due to a conscious, free and personal choice and for eternity.